Saturday, June 10, 2006

Lack of motivation

As I sit here and listen to my Tim McGraw and wishing my hubby was here to dance with me I realize I have no motivation. I get all these things listed when he is out of town that I want to complete and then sit around bored. I really must find some motivation. I have one of my very good friends coming in tonight for a week long visit. I need to clean house, do the laundry and get caught up on some of my client work. Do you ever feel like just doing nothing even when you have a really long list of things to do? I guess I am going to have to end this blog entry and drag myself out the door. Although going out I may melt into a pile of ashes it is so hot outside today. I ouldn't believe how miserable it was this week and its only 2 weeks into June. Our electricity bills have already incresed by 40% and in order to stay in budget we have to turn the AC up and be miserable inside too. I wonder if this is another way to make Americans broke. Our gas went up and stayed up now that we our used to 2.60+ a gallon now the utilities. What is next a tax on breathing air. Yes disgruntled and annoyed. I work from home and thank goodness I do since gas is so expensive. But now they are hitting us at the comfort level. It seems to me whenever we find a way to accomodate people to work and make a little money another thing comes along and says hell no your not getting ahead. Who can really argue with the utility companies and say I am not paying. If you don't pay you don't get the electricity. So instead you have to cut back on something else like food or the little amount of fun you have budgeted in to pay the increase of something they never even gave you a warning on. Ok, I better quit my complaining and get my errands completed.


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